Tuesday, December 31, 2019

My Philosophy Of Teaching Children - 1236 Words

We, as adults, have a responsibility to teach and protect children. Teaching is one of the most crucial jobs an individual can have. Not only does teaching give students material to succeed scholastically, it helps apply knowledge and skills necessary for success in life. I want to teach so I can better equip children for adult life, while allowing them to be individuals and form their own personalities. At the core of my philosophy, there are four essential themes to teaching children: Emotional Development, Curriculum, Art, and Building Relationships. Albert Einstein once said, â€Å"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge† (BrainyQuote). Knowledge opens the door to the world while closing the†¦show more content†¦As teachers, when we guide a child in the way they should act, it helps them improve life skills and motivates them to continue to behave positively. Children who are emotionally mature perform better in school, which is why I believe that curriculum is also essential. Curriculum is basically â€Å"what you want children to learn and what you plan to teach† (Copple, C Bredekamp). Learning outcomes can be from what we want children to know, skills, as well as certain attitudes we want them to be able to achieve. I think the most effective approach of curriculum is scaffolding. Scaffolding is being able to assist, guide and direct the child to help them accomplish a certain task or learn a skill (within their ZPD) that they could not achieve on their own (Bredekamp G-7). Working together with students so we can help reach their goals is very important to me, because when a teacher just tells the child what to do the child is not really absorbing the information but being able to walk them through things to guide their way is more effective. Also I think that other students can teach their peers how to interact and how to do certain tasks, because the younger children usually copy what the older students do as far as how to act, how to play and how to do work. Another strong approach to curriculum are developmentally appropriate practices which are based on the child’s interest, age, and experiences. Being able to have students engaged in activities that

Monday, December 23, 2019

Consolation Behavior Should Be Observed Outside Of Species...

Consolation behavior entails as an increase in comforting contact in response to and directed toward a distressed individual by an uninvolved bystander, which produces a calming effect (Zahn-Waxler et al., 1992; De Waal Van Roomalen, 1979). Observations of consolation behavior in animals such as elephants have led to the conclusion that consolation behavior may require advanced cognitive capacities (Plotnik De Waal, 2014). However, the current study sought to investigate if consolation behavior could be observed outside of species with advanced cognition, such as in a rodent species. Such an observation would suggest that consolation behavior relies on less cognitive capacities and may be variably expressed in species due to their species-specific evolutionary context (Burkett et al., 2016). Researchers decided to use the rodent species of the prairie vole and the meadow vole in their study. This was done because the social traits of the prairie vole, i.e. being socially monogamous and biparental, often coevolve with other cooperative behaviors that increase direct or indirect fitness, including social buffering among colony members (Burkett et al., 2016). The meadow vole, in contrast, are promiscuous breeders with no formal social structure. Thus, Burkett and colleagues offered the following three hypotheses. Firstly, they hypothesized that if both voles are placed under reproducible laboratory conditions, then the prairie vole will show consolation behavior while the

Sunday, December 15, 2019

What Is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act Free Essays

The American government has engaged in the process of creating and enforcing legislation as the course of action for everyone to follow when dealing with labor issues and the workforce. In my research, I found several pieces of legislation such as the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, and the Federal Trade Commission Act, the Clayton Act (Federal Trade Commission, n.d. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act? or any similar topic only for you Order Now ), and per text the Wagner Act of 1935, and the Taft-Hartley Act (DeCenzo, 2016). Congress passed this legislation as the determining element in how much control that management and/ or unions would have in protecting the rights of the workers and the organizations. The US government has been involved in the process of acting as a mediator between the organizations and unions with labor clashes. In the 1800’s, there weren’t many laws that would govern how unions would operate within the organization. So in the early stages of unions organizations thought that the unions were illegal and that they would interfere with the progress of the organization. The Sherman Antitrust Act was the initial legislation adopted that shaped labor unions. This act was important to the organization because it prevented any â€Å"restraint of commerce across state lines and the courts ruled that union strikes or boycotts would be covered by the law†. There is two additional act of the Sherman Act, they are the Federal Trade Commission Act the prohibit bias procedures concerning competition and misleading forms of practice, the Clayton Act focuses on certain issues such as mergers and joining boards members. The main strike in 1894 between the Pullman Palace Car Company and the American Railway Union, where workers walked off of the job because wages were cut by as much as forty percent. At that time the organization was able to obtain a ruling that stopped both the strike and boycott. And because of this labor unions discovered that it would be harder to organize successfully (Shmoop, 2018). The National Labor Relation Act of 1935, which is also known as the Wagner Act was endorsed to protect both employers, and employees, it is the main key to union rights. The Wagner Act distinctively insist that employers should bargain in excellent confidence on issues such as wages, hours, and employment environments. This gave unions control over bias labor habits. Therefore, the Wagner Act empowered unions to be able to grow and advance, plus to establish unions permitting them to protect and bargain together, which means the workforce has the right to come as one to make their demands known even without a union (DeCenzo, 2016) (Shmoop, 2018). Because the Wagner Act sheltered the unions it led to the Taft-Hartley Act which is known as the Labor-Management Act (DeCenzo, 2016). This act covered the concerns of the employer in preventing bias practices of the unions. It prohibited closed stops by declaring them illegal and empowering the states to pass laws that would decrease mandatory union representation. It also disallowed secondary boycotts by giving the president authority whenever differences may influence national security. Both parties must bargain in â€Å"good faith† by coming to the table intending to reach an agreement. But if they don’t reach one the Taft-Hartley developed the FMCS to help in the talks (DeCenzo, 2016). All of these laws are vital to the organization and unions since they’re the basis of the relationship that is between the workforce and the employer. While the NLRA has changed over time it is very important because it includes how both should work together throughout the bargaining process. And how the Taft-Hartley controls the duration of the relationship. But they safeguard that everyone should work together during the conditions of the association. As a result, unionized workers through combined efforts of both the union and organizations cooperative bargaining have produced better wages, benefits, safe environment, and health conditions for the workforce. They have also included better opportunities for the non-unionized workers (Walters, 2003). References DeCenzo, D. A. (2016). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 12th Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons Inc. Federal Trade Commission. (n.d.). Retrieved from The Antitrust Laws: https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/competition-guidance/guide-antitrust-laws/antitrust-laws Shmoop. (2018). Retrieved from History of Labor Unions: https://www.shmoop.com/history-labor-unions/law.html Walters, M. a. (2003, 8 26). Economic Policy Institute. Retrieved from How unions help all workers: https://www.epi.org/publication/briefingpapers_bp143/ How to cite What Is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Laws and Public Shootings in the United States

Question: Why Should civilians be allowed to own firearms? Answer: Introduction Second amendment to the US constitution guarantees that all law-abiding individuals can purchase, possess, and use firearms for legitimate purposes. However, firearms are usually considered to be a means of destruction and given the prevalence of public mass shootings that occur in United States every year, the perception isnt very far-fetched too. According to Blau, Gorry, and Wade, 2016, there has been a constant rise in the number of public shootings in the US since the late 1990s. At the same time, firearms are also used as a means of protection and personal safety in which case they are held legally with government license. In such cases, it is very necessary to consider the number and types of firearms control provisions and laws government has installed to handle the rampant illegal carrying and use of firearms. It is the absence of such strong laws and their effective execution that leads to mishaps like mass shootings, street wars, etc. However, the repeated cases of public mass shootings are testimony to the inability of the US executive and judiciary to control the gun mishandling effectively. Till the time that the US laws are not stringent enough to handle these issues effectively, gun licenses should be released to only a limited section of people and not to all civilians at large. Also, for a safe society with ready acceptance of firearms, sociocultural, behavioural and educational issues are needed to be sorted at the same time. Though they might be a means of protection for a lot many, guns inherently are destructive weapons which should not be released into society without stringent controls over their usage. Are the Right Laws in Place? The most basic argument that comes to mind while thinking of firearm ownership by civilians and its adverse effects arises out of the fact that there needs to be state-installed laws that are effective in controlling and preventing any firearm related mishaps from happening. However, the changes in gun laws have always been slow in evolving. When it comes to formal laws to prevent firearm misuse, there have been three different types of gun control policy measures viz. Lenient, punitive and restrictive (Fleming, Rutledge, Dixon Peralta, 2016). While restrictive laws are meant to stop the crime from happening, punitive (punishment for a crime conducted using a firearm) and lenient (easy access and ownership of firearm) laws punish the culprit based on the severity of the crime committed by him. These measures of gun control policy come into special focus at the time of focusing events which because of their horrific nature force everyone to take a relook at the gun control laws prevailing in the state at that time. And hence, these measures become the basis for introduction of new bills by policy entrepreneurs who then drive the firearm debate in their favour. Though federal laws exist to restrict the firearm ownership in felons as well as mentally ill people, many US states have just started to form such provisions making the society safer (Buckey, 2010). However, it is the need of the hour that the gun control laws are expanded beyond the purview of prohibited classes of people and start taking other seemingly normal people too into consideration. This is especially true in case of individual state laws which are distributed and non-uniform and hence has scope to have loopholes in them. Federal laws in comparison are more substantial, definitive and comprehensive with prohibition extending to individuals beyond felons. Hence, to restrict the access of firearms to civilians, restrictive bills such as restriction on handguns, ammunition, assault rifles, taxes on ammunition, etc. which make the acquisition of firearm difficult in the first place should be propagated and enforced since prevention is better than cure. Is the Society Ready? An emotionally mature society is one in which suicide rates and depressive population counts are quite low. Around 40,000 people die in US each year because of suicide making it the 10th leading cause of death in US (Siegel Rothman, 2016). The numbers of depression are not very promising either. According to the same study, the presence of a firearm in the house increases the risk of suicide for both firearm owner as well as the household members. There has been shown a significant relationship between firearm ownership and suicide rates at regional or state level clearly demonstrating that the society isnt emotionally mature enough to handle a firearm in the vicinity without misusing it. Complacently handing over firearms to civilians in a such a society is a sure way to invite trouble and cause public unrest. There have been studies focusing on mentally ill people with tendencies of interpersonal violence which show that not all people are at risk of public violence at all times but rather only at specific intervals when the threat is elevated. However, the true dilemma is sorting out each and every such individual, figuring out their trigger points time durations and to separate them from the firearm or any such potentially dangerous object for that interval which seems impractical in a large population. In such a scenario, restricting firearm access to civilians at all times seems to be the most practical solution, at least till the time more unstable ones can be sorted out or the potentially dangerous ones can be assured to be accompanied at all times by a caretaker (which again might not be feasible in all cases). Similar need of the hour is to educate the populace about the effective and safe usage of firearms. Cultural Integration of Firearm Ownership in American Society Firearm ownership in US is considered as a state-sponsored privilege and a very much part of the fabric of living the American dream. It is considered as a cherished right and is very dear to a lot of Americans (Kocsis, 2015). However, the question is, is the American society really ready for this privilege? The cultural entrenchment of gun ownership as well as the constitutional privilege makes gun control a challenging task in US and hence the maximum focus is kept on trying to limit the access of guns to identified dangerous individuals (Swanson Felthous, 2015). Stemming from the fact that there has been a limited restriction on firearm ownership according to federal laws since 1939 due to National Firearms Act, there have been efforts time and again to introduce new laws and policy control measures that restrict the universal access t guns that is prevalent in US. One such important step towards it was when the Heller Court stated the fact that gun ownership right was not unlimited and was limited in case of certain identified individuals. However, it might be true that gun ownership is an inherent part of American fabric; it still requires a limited control and restrictions over firearm ownership to control crimes related to it especially given the ever increasing crime rate in the country. Conclusion Gun ownership by civilians is a highly debated and sensitive issue with highly demarcated categories of gun-ownership supporters as well those who want to be more circumspect in its usage and accessibility. However, gun ownership is undeniably a part of American life experience and is unlikely to go away anytime soon given the sort of legislation and culture that exists here. Several studies have proved the relationship between gun ownership and the increased suicide rates amongst gun-owning individuals and their families. Other studies have correlated interpersonal violent behaviour and serious mental illness which can make gun ownership an added danger. In view of such complications in the control of firearm-generated crimes, it is prudent to introduce more restrictive laws towards gun ownership and restrict gun prevalence in American society. Also, considering the fact that time and again court has tried to bring in new measures of controlling the firearms accessibility in American public, it is prudent to say that firearm control is essential in American society and not all civilians should be allowed free access to firearms. References Blau, BM, Gorry, DH Wade, C 2016, Guns, laws and public shootings in the United States, Applied Economics, vol. 48, no. 49, pp.4732-4746. Buckey, J 2010, Firearms for Felons-A Proposal to Prohibit Felons from Possessing Firearms in Vermont, Vermont Literature Review, vol. 35, p.957. Fleming, AK, Rutledge, PE, Dixon, GC Peralta, JS 2016, When the Smoke Clears: Focusing Events, Issue Definition, Strategic Framing, and the Politics of Gun Control, Social Science Quarterly, vol. 97, no. 5, pp.1144-1156. Kocsis, M 2015, Gun Ownership and Gun Culture in the United States of America, Essays in Philosophy, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 154-179. Siegel, M Rothman, EF 2016, Firearm Ownership and Suicide Rates Among US Men and Women, 19812013, Journal Information, vol. 106, no. 7. Swanson, JW Felthous, AR 2015, Guns, mental illness, and the law: introduction to this issue, Behavioral sciences the law, vol. 33, no. 2-3, pp.167-177.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Ark of the Covenant Samuel 4-5 Essays - Neviim, Books Of Samuel

Ark of the Covenant: Samuel 4-5 In these two chapters there is a battle between Israelites and Philistine. Ebenezer is the campground for the Israelites and Aphek is the Philistines campground. The Philistines set out and as the battle wore on Philistines defeated the Israelites killing around 4,000. After the battle, they questioned God why did he bring defeat to them. They decided to bring the Ark of the Covenant from Shiloh thinking that this would save them from their enemies. After hearing the Hebrews rejoicing on the arrival of the covenant the Philistines wondered why they were cheering. This brought on another battle defeating the Israelites once again, this time losing 30,000 soldiers, The Ark of God was captured, Eli's two sons Hophni and Phinehas died (OAB 407)..= On the same day a Benjamite soldier ran from the battle at and went to Shiloh to find the elderly Eli to tell him the news. Eli heard about the loss of his sons, but upon hearing about the Ark of God he fell backwards off his chair and broke his neck. He had led Israel for forty years (OAB 407). Phinehas widow gave birth right after news of his death. She herself was dying and the woman who was overseeing the birth told her to relax she had a boy and she ignored her. The boy was named Ichabod meaning "The Glory has departed from Israel,"(OAB 407) due to the loss of her father-in-law and her husband and the capture of the Ark of God. The Philistines take the ark to the city of Ashdod placing it in Dagon's temple and setting it next to Dagon. The next day Dagon was found with his head and hands broken off his body. No one has entered this temple ever again. God's hand was heavy over the people of Ashdod (OAB 407). He brought devastation and afflicted the people with tumors. They then moved the ark to Gath. This city was also afflicted with tumors and decided to send the ark to the city of Ekron. The people of this city refused to take it in fear of God's wrath. The decided to send it back to its proper place. Whoever did not die from this was afflicted with tumors, both the young and old with God hearing their cries (OAB 408). The view I and getting from these two chapters is the God was really mad at Israel previously and left them high and dry in the first battle. The Israelites made the situation worse by moving this Ark of God from its holy place into the view of everyone who was not suppose to see it. God pretty much deserted Israel for this allowing Philistine to kill and capture the ark. This ark was moved to three different cities before it was returned to its rightful place. After the first city was afflicted by death and tumors one would think it would be returned to its holy place. To have been able to keep the ark without consequences would have been a huge prize for Philistine and without God's retaliation for the capture of the ark could have totally changed this whole entire book. I also think that people's greed takes over the decision process allowing cloudy judgment and bad repercussions. Finally, the people who died not from hearing of their own losses but the capture of the Ark of Go d shows amazing faith and love for their creator.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Emilys Frugal Literary Devices

â€Å"prancing Poetry† (4) help the reader imagine himself dancing and jumping through each line of the poetry he reads. Also, imagery helps the reader to imagine himself in certain situations. Also, one can imagine a scene better when he can visualize his surroundings. For these reasons, the imagery Dickinso... Free Essays on Emily's Frugal Literary Devices Free Essays on Emily's Frugal Literary Devices What are some important Literary Devices used in the poem â€Å"There is no Frigate like a Book?† Emily Dickinson uses several literary devices in this poem to give it form and meaning. A few important literary devices Dickinson uses in â€Å"There is no Frigate like a Book† are simile, overstatement, imagery, and connotation. First, Dickinson uses the literary devices simile and overstatement. The similes Dickinson uses help the reader better understand what she was thinking when she was choosing her words for the poem. The words â€Å"Frigate like a Book† (1) help the reader understand that a book, though small in size, is capable or delivering vast amounts of knowledge. Since one does not usually move anywhere while he or she reads a book, the statement â€Å"Coursers like a Page† (3) helps the reader understand that a page in a book or poem actually moves one along mentally. Next, the overstatements in Dickinson’s poem are important literary devices. In the overstatement â€Å"To take us Lands away† (2), Dickinson does not actually mean that a book carries one to another place as a vehicle does. The overstatement is actually referring to the way one’s mind imagines being in a different place when reading a book. Second, the imagery Dickinson uses in â€Å"There is no Firgate like a Book† is an important literary device. Imagery, while connecting with one’s senses, helps the reader grasp more feeling about what he or she is reading. For example, Dickinson’s words â€Å"Coursers like a Page† (3) help the reader feel that he or she is actually moving with the pages in a book or poem. In another example, the words â€Å"prancing Poetry† (4) help the reader imagine himself dancing and jumping through each line of the poetry he reads. Also, imagery helps the reader to imagine himself in certain situations. Also, one can imagine a scene better when he can visualize his surroundings. For these reasons, the imagery Dickinso...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Use of Mideast Oil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Use of Mideast Oil - Essay Example The possession of oil production facilities and fields for future development determine the relationship that the developing nations form with the oil rich nations. Without oil, Iraq would have been one more unfortunate dictatorship in a world where oppression and exploitation is commonplace. However, the United States has taken a keen interest in seeing that Iraq is a democracy in an effort to keep the oil flowing. American taxpayers have been willing to funnel billions of dollars in aid and infrastructure into this Middle Eastern country. The potential oil that they can produce has formed the basis of our foreign policy in relation to Iraq. Even more astounding is the propensity that the US has for arming an oil rich nation with the latest high tech weaponry available. Saudi Arabia, which produces over 12 percent of the world's oil, can demand and receive huge allotments of fighter aircraft, missiles, and JDAMS, which are some of the world's most advanced 'smart bombs' (Strobel, 2007). The United Arab Emirates, a top ten producer of oil, has been supplied with similar weapons. These military aid packages are in return for the steady supply of crude oil. Because the State Department knows that these are politically risky and volatile nations, the US offers Israel upgraded military equipment to maintain a balance of power. By co

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Family Literacy Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1

Family Literacy Program - Essay Example This essay discusses a plan for developing a Center and it's program that aims to develop the mind and character of every child by platforms of English language literacy program with support basically coordinated and extended to their respective families. The main puproses of a program explained is to reduce English language illiteracy rate of the community by teaching Spanish children the classroom method of learning and understanding English. This task shall deliberately open the doors to information and present computer technology available for speech articulation utilizing the Center’s present resources for such mission. The essay also focuses on funding resources of the program, such as resources from non government organizations and other private foundations available abroad like the EU, Spain, Germany, and Canada. Educators. The essay also presents some organizationals strategies to use. Firstly, transportation is described. A minimum of one vehicle shall be purchased b y the Center to serve as a school bus. Schedule of classes and center operations as well as benefits of the program are also analyzed. Participant’s feedback is an SOP for the program so the Center will know how their program stands to their participants and find ways and means to improve both program and Center’s operations. In conclusion, the researcher mentiones that the most important benefits of such project will be enhancing understanding, reading and speech skills in the English language that could eventually provide more seats in work’s consideration for promotion.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Personal Financial Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Financial Management - Research Paper Example Following are my observations while reviewing the plan. During the first week while I was reviewing the expenses, it was an eye opening situation that the major spending were on account of food stuff, clothing and spending leisure time. The total expenses were $1,312/- excluding my credit card payments, rental payments and groceries. I then thought for remedial measures to curtail my expenditure and sort out the problem with the fact that if I start cooking myself, search for the discounted items and spend less to spent leisure and by doing this I can not only manage my finances, live my life accordingly but also save something for the rainy day. While reviewing the data of the second week I noted that I certainly curtail my expenses on food stuff by 33% and the overall expenses reduced from $1,312/- to $ 850/- in second week excluding my house rent and credit card payments which shows betterment and my interest towards savings, but still the major expenses were made on account of gr oceries where I spent $223.83/- and for spending leisure I spent $118.81. I realized that the daily log is helping me in managing my finances and I immediately checked my spending and realized that I must engage myself instead in some sports activities for spending leisure time rather to go to the massage parlor or some other places where I spend much more than sports and for the prosperous future I have to develop future goals and by realizing the importance of savings, I immediately create three stages of my future goals through which I can live a prosperous, happy and comfortable life and the stages are: Short Term Goals, Intermediate Term Goal and Long Term Goal. Short Term Goals are those that can be achieved within a year and can increase my future saving. For e.g. If I purchase a car it will save my transportation cost and the amount which I am expensing out every week will be saved. Intermediate Term Goals are those that can be achieved with in the period of 2 to 5 years and includes things that will certainly increase my savings. For e.g. If I purchase house it will be a onetime investment but it will save my monthly mortgage installment on which I have to pay interest. Long Term Goals are those that can be achieved after six years with no upper limit like my retirement plan which has no upper limit and more I save money during my employment, happier I will live my life after retirement. While selecting the amount which is to be expensed out on weekly basis in order to achieved the target, I set the priorities and assign education the highest priority with the weekly expense of $170/- and the total expense were of $420/- per week accumulating $1,818/- per month. My Intermediate Goals are several including purchase of house, starting own business, education and buy a new car. For this purpose after thorough discussions with my friends, I have once again given highest priority to the education with the expense amount of $350/-per week accumulating $18,2 00 per year and by doing this much saving I will be able to achieve the college funds for my children by the end of 2016 i.e. in 3 ? years. My final goal is to save something for myself which can be used in case of need and this the financial plan helps me lot and by the help of the plan, I not only opted a semi retirement plan but also plan to save some thing for the cruise which I always aiming for and for the accomplishment of both the aims I have started saving $5/- per week for the cruise and $250/- per week for

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ventilation and Fire Safety in Construction Projects

Ventilation and Fire Safety in Construction Projects TASK 1 Define the term â€Å"Building Services† A building which makes it safe and comfortable to be in under the title ‘Building Services’. The building also must do what it was designed to dony not just provide shelter but also be an enviroment for living, work and achieve. According to Roger Greeno (2000), services are the nerve system of a building. Discuss the needs to install the system for the services in a building. Component of Building Services that must be installed in a building, first, water, drainage and plumbing. Second, escalators and lifts for occupation used and energy supply for example electricity, gas and renewable sources. Identify and explain the component of building services applied into the building that you choose. The component of building services applied into the building that are: Water Drainage By applied the water drainage into the site and building for making the water more easier to move at one direction. Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from an area. Many agricultural soils need drainage to improve production or to manage water supplies. Escalators An escalator is a moving staircase – a conveyor transport device for carrying people between floors of a building. The device consists of a motor-driven chain of individual, linked steps that move up or down on tracks, allowing the step treads to remain horizontal. Electricity Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge. Electricity gives a wide variety of well-known effects, such as lightning, static electricity, electromagnetic induction and electrical current. In addition, electricity permits the creation and reception of electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves. TASK 2 With the aid of diagram, explain the component of fire triangle. The blaze triangle or ignition triangle is a basic model for comprehension the vital elements for generally fires. Fuel In the event that fuel is evacuated, the blaze will starve and be quenched. With bushfires this is possible through various preemptive techniques, including endorsed blazing or physical evacuation of the fuel. Amid out of control bonfire concealment the evacuation of fuel is possible physically through the raking of flame line or the utilization of bulldozers to clear a blaze line. Air In the event that air is evacuated, the blaze will suffocate – in light of an absence of oxygen – and go out. The expulsion of air from a bushfire is very troublesome as flames are regularly huge and incorporate impressive territory. Heat The evacuation of high temperature or the cooling of a blaze is the most widely recognized manifestation of concealment. As a rule water is utilized to basically drench up the hotness produced by the flame. This hotness turns the water into steam, accordingly looting the flame of the high temperature utili Identify and explain the components of fire prevention control system that installed in the building that you choose. Component of fire prevention and control system that installed in the building that I choose are design of buildings, structure, fabric and components. The control system are hose reels, Hose reel system is intended for the occupant to use during the early stages of fire and comprises hose reel pumps,fire water tank,hose reels,pipe work and valves. The hose reel system generally serves as an initial fire fighting aid. When the hose reel is brought into use the pressure in the pipe immediately downstream of the pump check valves will drops below the field adjusted pressure setting of the pressure switch thereby trigerring the pump to comes into operation automatically to feed a steady supply of water to discharge through the hose. Fire fighting hose reel is the part which can be easily accessible. The fire hose reel outlets should be properly housed in glass fronted cabinet secured under lock and key. TASK 3 Explain the ventilation requirement for different types of space/room/accommodation. SPACE Considered the best arrangement of ventilation and for the most part in spaces where nature of administrations is the prime concern-consequently is not shabby. The air separated before circulated into space. Suitable for silver screens, departmental stores, healing centers, (esp. operation theaters) research facilities. ROOM These air is warmed before it is constrained into room. The air may be warmed midway and circulated utilizing channels to rooms or warmed independently. Usually utilized engine compartment room, work places and exceptional plants. Suitable for multi-story building. ACCOMMODATION Concentrate fans and channels used to guarantee the taint air is consistently evacuated. The room is then loaded with natural air from outside. Utilized as a part of research facilities, kitchen, gathering or multi-reason lobbies. In some space the operation of these fans are coordinated with different administrations, for example, lighting. Identify and explain the air-conditioning system that installed in lecture rooms. Split air conditioner have two main parts outdoor units and indoor units. The outdoor unit uses a compressor and air cooled condenser to provide cold refrigerant to a cooling coil in the indoor unit. A fan then blows air across the cooling coil and into the room. The indoor unit can either be ceiling mounted (cassette unit), floor mounted or duct type. Figure 1 Explain at least THREE (3) reasons why the type of air-conditioning system state in task 3 (a) is used. Part aeration and cooling system have two principle parts outside units and indoor units. The outside unit utilizes a compressor and air cooled condenser to give cool refrigerant to a cooling loop in the indoor unit. A fan then blows air over the cooling curl and into the room. The indoor unit can either be roof mounted (tape unit), floor mounted or pipe sort. TASK 4 Explain THREE (3) basic physical laws that need to be consider when designing or planning any water installation. Water is liable to the power or gravity and will think that it level. Second, to overcome grating inside the passing on funnels water which is put away before dispersion will require to be under weight and this is typically attained by putting away the water at a level over the level of the outlets. Finally, the vertical separation between these levels is typically called the head. Water gets to be less thick as its temperature is raised hence warm water will dependably dislodge colder water whether in a shut or open circuit. With the aid of diagram, discuss the differences between direct and indirect hot water system. Direct system – In an immediate framework, the water supply bolsters the heater and afterward the taps. Indirect system A roundabout high temp water framework is the place the evaporator warms water in an essential circuit coursing through a hotness exchanger curl in a boiling hot water chamber. Water in the taps goes through from the supply regularly with a header tank through the chamber and to the taps. The faucet water never experiences the heater. TASK 5 Explain the differences between electricity single phase and 3 phase supply. Single phase supply Electric force alludes to the appropriation of exchanging current electric force utilizing a framework as a part of which all the voltages of the supply shift as one. Single-stage dispersion is utilized when burdens are generally lighting and warming, with few huge electric engines. A solitary stage supply associated with an exchanging current electric engine does not deliver a rotating attractive field; single-stage engines require extra circuits for beginning, and such engines are unprecedented over 10 or 20 kw in evaluating. Three phase supply Electric force frameworks have no less than three conveyors convey substituting current voltages that are counterbalanced in time by one-third of the period. A three-stage framework may be orchestrated in delta or star (likewise meant as wye in a few regions). A wye framework permits the utilization of two separate voltages from each of the three stages, for example, a 230/400v framework which gives 230v between the unbiased (focus center) and any of the stages, and 400v over any two stages. With the aid of diagram, compare the arrangement between TWO (2) types of Power Circuit and discuss the IEE Regulations that need to comply when installing Power Circuit.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Response to Bell Hooks Keeping Close to Home :: Family Values College

Strong Family Values In Bell Hooks’s essay, "Keeping Close to Home," she suggests that the American educational system forces students to hide, change, or mask the values that they have when they first enter college. While this might be true for some students, this line of thinking does not hold true for me personally. I do not agree with her assertion for, and I have not changed since entering the University of Georgia. The University of Georgia has not placed any pressure on me to change my values due to the fact that I had very strong values when I entered the University, and those same values hold true to me today. The values that I learned from my parents as an infant, child, adolescent, and, most recently, as an adult, are continually enforced and taught to me today. It is because of this strong family support that I have stayed the same as I was before entering college. My family has always preached strong family values that will be with me for the rest of my life, and will be passed on to my children and grandchildren. Some of the family values that I have learned from my family are to always respect my elders and to have good manners no matter what. I believe that values are taught and learned at an early age. If the teaching is successful, as it was in my case, the student should hold true to the values that he or she was raised with. Everybody is raised with different values, whether the difference is religious, moral, or social, and they should all be respected by others. I will not change or alter my values because they are very important to both my family and me, and I firmly believe in them. There are many different types of people on the University of Georgia campus, whether they come from the same or different background than I. There are people of different skin color, religion, ethnicity, and many other different backgrounds. Therefore, there are also many different beliefs in faith and values. At an institution of higher learning, such as the University of Georgia, there is respect for and interest in other people’s beliefs. There is never a push to "change" someone. Some students might alter their beliefs and values, but as for myself I will learn of others, but never change.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ethical Paper

Ethics Reflection Paper By: Josh Wilber STR/581 Dr. Jill Hagist Ethical behavior within the workplace is important to have good communication between employees, management, and end users. One key definition of ethics is that ethics are mainly the kind of values and morals an individual or society finds desirable or appropriate (farzanalibaloch. blogspot. com). The main focus is to show the customers having a successful business between ventures is based on honesty and integrity that will lead to long-term success.This paper will explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan, considering stakeholder needs, and will explain how your ethical perspective has evolved throughout the program. It is important that workplace policy with ethics must be in harmony with all laws and regulations that are currently in force in the jurisdiction where the business operates (wisegeek. com.This helps to ensure that basic workplace ethics preclude any pressure or c oercion to engage in actions that are considered to be illegal, promote discrimination in the workplace, support unfair hiring and firing practices, or allow wages to be set that are below the minimum legal standards for the area (wisegeek. com). If a company is unethical it will take many years to build back the image they lost due to unethical behavior. Ethics are developed at all stages within a company from the first time you hire an employee up until the company releases an IPO and goes public.The first step to ethical behavior occurs when you are conducting a strategic plan. The company has to realize the role of ethics and social responsibility to implement a positive plan. Ethics have a lot to do with the company’s vision and how they perceive themselves within the marketplace. There are three questions that every company should ask when they are integrating ethics into their business; what do we stand for? What is our purpose, and what values do we have? The next ste p for the strategic plan would be to develop a mission plan, a company vision and company values.Some examples of the way a business can integrate ethics into business are to have a framework and process for the resolution of ethical issues, have the right organizational structure, have rewards based on the right metrics, make employee development part of strategy and make ethics training part of employee development, and to encourage all employees to be challenging and demanding in the ethical domain (scu. edu). Stakeholders are considered people or groups that have an interest in the company. Stakeholders include employees, investors, customers, shareholders, suppliers, and others.If the stakeholders feel like a company is unethical customers, doing actual business within the company may turn shareholders, suppliers, and investors away. One way a company can keep track is to do annual ethical reviews, and also activities where they can update the employee on ethical standards and policies that are considered company standard. An example is that Pfizer is currently a market leader and had prior allegations of animal testing with their laboratories and still has to answer to the media regarding the unethical behavior with PETA.Ethics Awareness Inventory is a test that discusses the ethical perspective from an individual. The Most lined ethical view was within Character. My beliefs rely on the ability of individuals to make sound moral judgments and I do not believe that it is enough to comply with some preset standards or principles of right and wrong to find the solution to a complex ethical dilemma (EAI inventory). One belief is that ethics should focus on ways to help people achieve moral excellence. When asked to judge whether an individual’s actions are ethical, it would be looked beyond the actions to examine the individual’s character (EAI inventory).Within business this perspective that is inline with Character will go a long way for a su ccessful career/opportunity. Honesty and integrity is the key to having a successful business where Stakeholders develop trust. The role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan creates a foundation for how the company wants to remain ethical throughout their business cycle. Works Cited http://farzanalibaloch. blogspot. com/2008/08/enron-downfall-unethical-behaviour. html http://www. scu. edu/ethics/practicing/focusareas/business/strategic-plan. html

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A History of Dentistry and Dental Care

A History of Dentistry and Dental Care By definition, dentistry is a branch of medicine that involves diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of any disease concern about teeth, oral cavity, and associated structures. Who Invented the Toothbrush? Natural bristle brushes were invented by the ancient Chinese who made toothbrushes with bristles from the necks of cold climate pigs. French dentists were the first Europeans to promote the use of toothbrushes in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. William Addis of Clerkenwald, England, created the first mass-produced toothbrush. The first American to patent a toothbrush was H. N. Wadsworth and many American Companies began to mass-produce toothbrushes after 1885. The Pro-phy-lac-tic brush made by the Florence Manufacturing Company of Massachusetts is one example of an early American made toothbrush. The Florence Manufacturing Company was also the first to sell toothbrushes packaged in boxes. In 1938, DuPont manufactured the first nylon bristle toothbrushes. Its hard to believe, but most Americans did not brush their teeth until Army soldiers brought their enforced habits of tooth brushing back home after  World War II. The first real electric toothbrush was produced in 1939 and developed in Switzerland. In 1960, Squibb marketed the first American electrical toothbrush in the United States called the Broxodent. General Electric introduced a rechargeable cordless toothbrush in 1961. Introduced in 1987, Interplak was the first rotary action electrical toothbrush for home use. History of Toothpaste Toothpaste was used as long ago as 500 BC in both China and India; however, modern toothpaste was developed in the 1800s. In 1824, a dentist named Peabody was the first person to add soap to toothpaste. John Harris first added chalk as an ingredient to toothpaste in the 1850s. In 1873, Colgate mass-produced the first toothpaste in a jar. In 1892, Dr. Washington Sheffield of Connecticut manufactured toothpaste into a collapsible tube. Sheffields toothpaste was called Dr. Sheffields Creme Dentifrice. In 1896, Colgate Dental Cream was packaged in collapsible tubes imitating Sheffield. Advancements in synthetic detergents made after WWII allowed for the replacement of the soap used in toothpaste with emulsifying agents such as Sodium Lauryl Sulphate and Sodium Ricinoleate. A few years later, Colgate started to add fluoride to toothpaste. Dental Floss: An Ancient Invention Dental floss is an ancient invention. Researchers have found dental floss and toothpick grooves in the teeth of prehistoric humans. Levi Spear Parmly (1790-1859), a New Orleans dentist is credited as being the inventor of modern dental floss (or maybe the term re-inventor would be more accurate). Parmly promoted teeth flossing with a piece of silk thread in 1815. In 1882, the Codman and Shurtleft Company of Randolph, Massachusetts started to mass-produce unwaxed silk floss for commercial home use. The Johnson and Johnson Company of New Brunswick, New Jersey were the first to patent dental floss in 1898. Dr. Charles C. Bass developed nylon floss as a replacement for silk floss during WWII. Dr. Bass was also responsible for making teeth flossing an important part of dental hygiene. In 1872, Silas Noble and J. P. Cooley patented the first toothpick-manufacturing machine. Dental Fillings and False Teeth Cavities are holes in our teeth created by the wear, tear, and decay of tooth enamel. Dental cavities have been repaired or filled with a variety of materials including stone chips, turpentine resin, gum, and metals. Arculanus (Giovanni d Arcoli) was the first person to recommend gold-leaf fillings in 1848. False teeth date back as far as 700 BC. The Etruscans designed false teeth out of ivory and bone that were secured to the mouth by gold bridgework. The Debate about Mercury French dentists were the first to mix mercury with various other metals and plug the mixture into cavities in teeth. The first mixtures, developed in the early 1800s, had relatively little mercury in them and had to be heated to get the metals to bind. In 1819, a man named Bell in England developed an amalgam mix with much more mercury in it that bound the metals at room temperature. Taveau in France developed a similar mixture in 1826. In the Dentists Chair In 1848, Waldo Hanchett patented the dental chair. On January 26, 1875, George Green patented the first electric dental drill. Novocain: There is historical evidence that the ancient Chinese  used acupuncture  around 2700 BC to treat the pain associated with tooth decay. The first local anesthetic used in dentistry was cocaine, introduced as an anesthetic by Carl Koller (1857-1944) in 1884. Researchers soon began working on a non-addictive substitute for Cocaine, and as a result of German chemist, Alfred Einkorn introduced Novocain in 1905. Alfred Einkorn was researching an easy-to-use and safe local anesthesia to use on soldiers during wartime. He refined the chemical procaine until it was more effective, and named the new product Novocain. Novocain never became popular for military use; however, it did become popular as an  anesthetic among dentists. In 1846, Dr. William Morton, a Massachusetts dentist, was the first dentist to use anesthesia  for tooth extraction.​ Orthodontics: Although teeth straightening and extraction to improve the alignment of remaining teeth has been practiced since early times, orthodontics as a science of its own did not really exist until the 1880s. The history of dental braces or the science of orthodontics is very complex. Many different inventors helped to create braces, as we know them today. In 1728, Pierre Fauchard published a book called the The Surgeon Dentist with an entire chapter on ways to straighten teeth. In 1957, the French dentist Bourdet wrote a book called The Dentists Art. It also had a chapter on tooth alignment and using appliances in the mouth. These books were the first important references to the new dental science of orthodontics. Historians claim that two different men deserve the title of being called The Father of Orthodontics. One man was Norman W. Kingsley, a dentist, writer, artist, and sculptor, who wrote his Treatise on Oral Deformities in 1880. What Kingsley wrote influenced the new dental science greatly. The second man who deserves credit was a dentist named J. N. Farrar who wrote two volumes entitled A Treatise on the Irregularities of the Teeth and Their Corrections. Farrar was very good at designing brace appliances, and he was the first to suggest the use of mild force at timed intervals to move teeth. Edward H. Angle (1855-1930) devised the first simple classification system for malocclusions, which is still in use today. His classification system was a way for dentists to describe how crooked teeth are, what way teeth are pointing, and how teeth fit together. In 1901, Angle started the first school of orthodontics. In 1864, Dr. S.C. Barnum of New York invented the rubber dam. Eugene Solomon Talbots (1847-1924) was the first person to use X-rays for orthodontic diagnosis, and Calvin S. Case was the first person to use rubber elastics with braces. Invisalign Braces: They were invented by Zia Chishti, are transparent, removable, and moldable braces. Instead of one pair of braces that are constantly adjusted, a series of braces are worn in succession each created by a computer. Unlike regular braces, Invisalign can be removed for teeth cleaning. Zia Chishti, along with his business partner Kelsey Wirth, founded Align Technology in 1997 to develop and manufacture the braces. Invisalign braces were first made available to the public in May of 2000. The Future of Dentistry   The Future of Dentistry report was developed by a large group of experts in the dental profession. The report is intended to be a practical guide for the professions next generation. In an ABC News interview, Dr. Timothy Rose discussed: replacements for dental drills in development at the present time that use a very accurate spray of silica sand to actually cut and prepare teeth for filling and stimulating the jaws bone structure to spur new tooth growth. Nanotechnology: The newest thing in the industry is nanotechnology. The speed at which advances are being made in science has catapulted nanotechnology from its theoretical foundations straight into the real world. Dentistry also is facing a major revolution in the wake of this technology having already been targeted with novel nano-materials.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Essay on Several Different Papers part 2Essay Writing Service

Essay on Several Different Papers part 2Essay Writing Service Essay on Several Different Papers part 2 Essay on Several Different Papers part 2Essay on Several Different Papers part 1Week 5 Multicultural Marketing CampaignThe marketing campaign created for the US can hardly be applied successfully to Chinese market since Chinese culture is totally different from American one. This is why the company entering Chinese market should change consistently its marketing campaign and elaborate hard on the new campaign to make it attractive to local customers. At this point, cultural differences of American and Chinese customers play an important part since Chinese customers are quite different from Americans in their preferences and cultural norms and traditions. In this regard, one of the most distinct features of the American culture is individualism, whereas Chinese culture is rather oriented on the common success than on the individual one (Breneman Taylor, 2006). As a result, the marketing campaign created for American customers will not be successful in China, if it emphasizes individu alism. As a rule, marketing campaigns created for the US market are oriented on the promotion of the individual success and some personal benefits of customers. Hence, the main point of the marketing campaign is to persuade customers in the US that they will benefit personally, if they choose the product or service of the company, which promotes the product or service. On the contrary, Chinese audience is quite different and Chinese will rather expect that the marketing campaign will reveal some benefits for local communities or the public at large rather than personal benefits of potential customers.Furthermore, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that the marketing campaign should take into consideration cultural implications that are the characteristics of the target market. what is meant here is the fact that the marketing campaign should refer to values which are really important   for the target customer group. For instance, traditionally one of the strongest strat egies applied to marketing campaigns was the strategy oriented on family values which were traditionally strong in the US as well as in China. However, such campaign may not always work successfully in the US, because the contemporary American culture shifts from traditional family values, whereas the concept of family becomes quite conventional and secondary since for many Americans the concept of family is discredited and the share of divorce rates in the US keeps growing that means that even today family values in the US are not as strong as they used to be in the past, while in the future they will become even less significant. At the same time, Chinese culture traditionally promoted family values and marketing campaign oriented on family values may be still quite successful in China.In such a way, companies should take into consideration the cultural background of their target customer group before implementing their marketing strategies. The different cultural background of th e US and China determines different approaches to marketing campaign that companies should use to reach success in the promotion and marketing of their products. At the same time, they should also have to remember that the market develops dynamically and so do customers that means that their views and cultural norms may change as was the case of the family values in the US which were determinant in the past but currently they are shifting toward decline in the US society and culture.Week 6 Market segmentation, target and position for Apple’s iPad2Apple’s iPad2 was one of the main products of Apple that allowed the company to enhance its marketing position and take a strategic advantage over its rivals (Masterson Picton, 2004). In this regard, it is worth mentioning the fact that the successful marketing of iPad 2 involved the accurate segmentation, targeting and positioning of the product to reach the target customer group and sell the new product successfully.Segment ation is important in terms of the identification of the specific customer group and niche in the market, which the new product has to take. In case of iPad2, the product focused on the mass segment of the market because the new product aimed at the large customer group (Breneman Taylor, 2006). The company was planning to sell iPad2 to diverse customers but key features of the product determined its segment as the mass segment of mobile devices which have to meet customers’ needs and expectations in regard to a tablet that had advanced functions as iPad2.At the same time, the targeting of the new product was also extremely important because targeting involved the identification of the target customer group which iPad2 focused above all. In this regard, the product aimed at younger customers mainly, who could afford buying iPad2. The company created its product for well-developed countries mainly, while the youth was the most active and mobile part of customer. Therefore, the company naturally targeted its product at the young customer group because these customers were the most likely to buy new iPad2 and young customers in developed countries could afford buying this product (Breneman Taylor, 2006). However, the company has never limited its target customer group to young customers only. Instead, the broad customer group involves other customers, who needed mobile and multifunctional device like iPad2. The focus on the youth was determined by the consideration that the youth could trigger other customers to encourage them to start buying iPad 2. As the youth would rush to buy iPad 2, other customers, who were active and mobile, could also follow the lead of the youth and start buying the new device.In such a situation, the accurate and adequate positioning of the product was also very important and the company had to determine accurately how to position iPad2 to make the product attractive for the target customer group. For instance, Apple could posi tion iPad 2 as the elite tablet but such positioning would deprive the company of the large audience limiting the market segment of the product to the premium segment only. Instead, the shift to the low cost positioning of the product would raise the problem of covering the costs of production because low price of the product could not cover its costs. In such a situation, the positioning of iPad 2 as the tablet for the mobile and active representatives of the upper class, especially the youth, in well-developed countries was the most accurate positioning of the new product and iPad could and did gain success due to such positioning.Therefore, Apple’s iPad 2 success was determined, to a significant extent, by its accurate positioning, targeting and segmentation. The company applied the balanced approach and avoided shifting to extremes in segmentation, targeting and positioning of the product. As a result, Apple’s choice was absolutely right since iPad 2 has reached it s target customer group successfully becoming one of the leaders in its segment of the market.Essay on Several Different Papers part 3

Monday, November 4, 2019

Critical review from an Business Strategy Article Essay

Critical review from an Business Strategy Article - Essay Example Therefore, the concept of core competencies as an application strategy for businesses, require advanced focus and learning the trends and change within an industry, and then identifying one or a few areas of the changing trends that are likely to merge, then working towards producing a product that serves that exact merging point of need (Prahalad & Hamel, 80). Informed by the principle of competitiveness, the strategy of core competencies works on the basis of building a portfolio of competencies, at the expense of a portfolio of businesses, meaning that attaining competiveness for a business organization is no longer about building a chain of related business within an industry, through diversification, but analyzing the specific areas a business can have a competitive advantage, and then capitalizing on that area to build on the competitiveness (Prahalad & Hamel, 81). Nevertheless, while applying the strategy of core competencies, it is paramount that focusing on new areas of busi ness where others have not yet perceived opportunities should not relent, so that an organization can build a stable competitive platform, which makes it difficult for others in the same industry to compete. The main strengths of the article is that it demonstrates the major arguments through the application of real organizational examples, detailing the process of such organizational businesses, and showing how the core competencies strategy made an overall difference. This way, it becomes easy to understand the strategy advocated, since real life examples are applied. A better demonstration is when the information technology industry was evolving in the early 1980s, where GTE was the company poised to take the advantage of the opportunity... Informed by the principle of competitiveness, the strategy of core competencies works on the basis of building a portfolio of competencies, at the expense of a portfolio of businesses, meaning that attaining competiveness for a business organization is no longer about building a chain of related business within an industry, through diversification, but analyzing the specific areas a business can have a competitive advantage, and then capitalizing on that area to build on the competitiveness (Prahalad & Hamel, 81). Nevertheless, while applying the strategy of core competencies, it is paramount that focusing on new areas of business where others have not yet perceived opportunities should not relent, so that an organization can build a stable competitive platform, which makes it difficult for others in the same industry to compete. The main strengths of the article is that it demonstrates the major arguments through the application of real organizational examples, detailing the process of such organizational businesses, and showing how the core competencies strategy made an overall difference. This way, it becomes easy to understand the strategy advocated, since real life examples are applied. A better demonstration is when the information technology industry was evolving in the early 1980s, where GTE was the company poised to take the advantage of the opportunity and see significant growth in its size, sales and revenues, considering that it was already well established in the industry, as opposed to NEC, which was a relatively small company in the industry

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Marketing (branding) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing (branding) - Essay Example Firstly, branding is an elementary method of strategizing a firms’ position within the market that involves the entire aspects of the firms. Although branding is a task of the marketing department, it cannot be kept restrained to that department alone. Secondly, a brand has to be the carrier of a firm’s value and at the same time the value has to be explained in such terms which can be adapted by the consumers (Randall, G., â€Å"Branding: A Practical Guide to Planning Your Strategy†). Branding as a Business Policy â€Å"Functions, differences, image and source† are considered as the four dimensions of brand that eventually shapes the essence of brands. The brand identification becomes strong as a result of uniformity among the above mentioned dimensions. If it happens that cohesion among the dimensions is not strong and any one dimension among those is sending ambiguous indications to the market, then the essence of the brand gets hampered as the customer s perceive confusing notion about the brand (Randall, G., â€Å"Branding: A Practical Guide to Planning Your Strategy†). Source: (Randall, G., â€Å"Branding: A Practical Guide to Planning Your Strategy†).

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Contemporary isssues in Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Contemporary isssues in Marketing - Essay Example etitive business environment, it is evident that global marketing strategies and tactics have significantly evolved and are used intensively within the operations of the business. This is because of the increasing power of the consumers along with their ever-changing demands. This also signifies the evolution of the customers’ oriented business process. This particular approach is adopted with the intention to gain competitive advantages over rivals. In this regard, it is also evident that the technological developments such as the Internet have a major role in the evolution of the business process, thereby attaining competitive advantages (Hackley, 2013). In order to gain competitive advantages, it is notable that the corporate organisations execute several activities that are required for getting the desired level of performances. These activities are considered as ethically and morally valuable for the overall business operations in any sector. Eventually, it leads to social benefit, which indirectly benefits a corporate organisation (Tadajewski, 2004). In this context, the objective of this particular research essay is to consider all these aspects in a comprehensive or illustrative manner. The outcome of the research will subsequently aid the young marketers and others to attain professional developments and organisational growth at the same time. In the modern era of competitive business environment, marketing strategies and tactics of companies has changed significantly. This has considerably led to the evolution of marketing through the involvement of technologies. In this regard, one of the major technological developments in the modern era is evident from the onset of internet technology. Internet technology has led to the improvement of communication among people residing in different parts of the world. This has considerably supported and benefitted the corporate enterprises in gaining a better position for themselves within the marketplace. Through

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Outline How Material Things Essay Example for Free

Outline How Material Things Essay This essay will outline how material things on City Road favour the activities of some groups of people over others by looking at Ethnicity, Class and Gender. City Road is a big road filled with lots of different cultures, gender, class, age and history. When walking down the road it can be seen that the belonging and not belonging in the society. It opens your eyes as to what exactly goes on in different societies and City Road is a big street with a lot of demands and structures in it. Over the years society changed and so did the street. It goes by what is in demand, how society changes and by the vast majority of different cultures coming into the area. You see a lot of people trying to conform to the society and many trying to hold onto their own identities. First of all I’m going to talk about the Ethnicity on the street. We are going to the Xquisite Africa shop. Janet, the lady that owns the shop originates from Africa and moved to the UK over ten years ago. When she came to the UK she thought that she had to change her identity and conform to the society. She sells a lot of things from Africa and by doing this she gets to hold onto her identity of the African culture and also appeals to customers from the same ethnic background. She felt after being in the UK for ten years that she had lost her identity and so she decided to take a trip back home to Africa to re-charge her batteries as she puts it. She wanted to re-gain her culture that she so desperately lost. This aspect could help her re-gain her culture and identity and allows her to share this with the right clientele from a multi-racial background. She can share a state of belonging to a social group that has in common a national or cultural background, whilst negotiating with people on the complex of different identities. She contributes to the African social life and society as well as on City Road. Therefore promoting her African background and understanding there is no need to conform to the society and changing her identity. We then move onto class in the Municipal Club. A social stratum, whose members share a certain economic, social or cultural characteristics. For this instance the working class. It is aimed at the local residents and has over 100 years of history. A group containing members regarded as having certain attributes of traits in common has slowly disappeared and they long for the society to change back to what they believed it was. Whilst in the (DVD, Making social lives on City Road, 2009, scene 5) Lloyd Robson talks to couple of residents in the club and gets their insight of what is going on. He asked them if they thought the club had a future. They said no. no-one wants to know it anymore and even the members have started to lose interest. But because the society has changed it meant that they described city road as being dangerous and rough. They long for the past. They want it to go back to what they say it used to be or imagined it. The inequalities and differences that has changed and also the traditions has been lost. They lack the sense of belonging they used to have when City Road used to be theirs. Then we come across the Sanna Silk shop. This is where the female is favoured over the male. It’s a family business orientated around females as they sell and make dresses of different materials. They get to choose their type of material and their patterns. It is mainly focused at Asian women. In the (DVD, Making social lives on City Road, 2009, scene 6 by Raghuran) she says â€Å"it is a very different way of portraying Asian women than I often seen in the media. † They also have a section for jewellery. Most of their jewellery is 22 carat gold and is mainly aimed at the women. They also have a selection for their wedding day. So it has an Asian culture that is even though yes men go in to buy but is very female orientated. Conclusion Therefore in City Road, my examples favour female gender activities over male, is a very multi-racial area and favours specific class over others. Therefore explaining that society changes all of the time and conforms to whatever is more in demand in that specific time of era.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Principles of Strategic Marketing Management

Principles of Strategic Marketing Management Organizations use Strategic Marketing to create a plan to better reach and satisfy customers while increasing profitability and productivity. Read on to learn more about what Strategic Marketing is and how businesses use it. Companies use Strategic Marketing to identify customer needs and to create a marketing plan to meet those needs and increase profit. Typically, an organization will create a written Strategic Marketing plan that dictates what type of marketing programs it will use during a given time frame and how those programs will be implemented. Marketing promotes your business and all that your business offers to your customers, brings customers to your business, and makes your business stand out in the crowd. A solid Marketing Strategy brings consistent traffic and a constant flow of customers to your business. TASK 1 Principles of Strategic Marketing Management The principles of Strategic marketing deals with the big picture marketing planning. It analyses how a company can best satisfy its customers and make a profit  at it. Strategic marketing planning is directed from the top of the company and is extremely important in any for-profit organization. Several key principles govern strategic marketing. History of TARIK FOODS: I am going to construct a strategy on a grocery store (TARIK FOOD) in east London market. We aim to make the selection process through and challenging for a number of reasons, firstly to make sure us employee those people that are right for the role and just as important who will fit in with TARIK food culture. TARIK food started life in 1995 when Mar. TARIK started selling surplus groceries from a stall in the east of London Mr TARIK made a profit of  £1 from sales of  £4 on his first day. The TARIK brand first appeared two years later in 1997 when he bought a shipment of Asian stuff food from Pakistan. The nature of this business is sole proprietorship. Though there are so many grocery stores like TARIK FOODS, Vijays Store, Khan Super Food, Johan Supermarket Store and Sainsburys. People demand some change in their taste with higher quality food at lower price. So, we need competitive edge in the grocery market. Thats why we are going to launch something new according to consume r requirement in better way! This differentiation supposes to be a big profit for me. Growth of TARIK Food in 1999 represents increase of 4% compared to 1998. Growth in 2005 and 2006 represent 7% compared to 1999. Growth is forecasted at the same rate in 2010. The role of strategic marketing in TARIK FOODS As companies strive to ensure future growth and profitability, they are turning to their marketing organizations to accelerate and guide their paths. Marketing is expected to provide a competitive advantage in shaping not just brand and corporate positioning but also in driving corporate strategy and setting the agenda for innovation and growth. Marketing plays an important role in the strategic planning process for many organizations. Although some marketing positions are represented at the corporate level, most are at the functional level within the business units of an organization. As shown in Exhibit 3-3, however, marketing is involved in strategic planning at all organizational levels in TARIK FOODS Strategic marketing is describing the the marketing activities that are affecting the functioning of the TARIK FOODS in the competitive market of food products. The role of strategic marketing can be described in the three basic types and functions. First : This helps everyone in TARIK FOODS towards the market and the customers. Thus they are responsible to excute the marketing philosophy throughout. Second :- This help gather and analyse the information required to examine the current situation , identify the trends in the marketing environment for TARIK FOODS and assess the potential impact of these trends. Third :- The role of marketing is varied in the TARIK FOODS . For it is a organisation which is driven by the marketing philosophy , so it plays a key role in the strategic decision making. The trend is pushing towards the strategic marketing and its planning responsibility further down the organisation, which is increasing the clout in the organisation`s strategic planning process. Processes involved in strategic marketing in TARIK FOODS Setting up of marketing goals.  Once they have decided to market their products, they set realistic and measurable goals to achieve over the next 18 to 24 months. This time span allows them to plan activities around community events that are in line with their marketing goals. For example, TARIK FOODS might help sponsor an annual walkathon for breast cancer or speak at a nearby communitys annual health fair. Because of the rapid changes occurring in the health food and care environment. TARIK FOODS dont recommend planning specific activities more than two years in advance. Conduct market research.  The purpose of market research is to draw a realistic picture of their practice, the community they serve in and their current position in that locality . With this research, TARIK FOODS can make fairly accurate projections about future growth in the community, locality and Region and as well as identifies the competitive factors and explore non-traditional opportunities   Determine a budget.  Before TARIK FOODS can decide what specific marketing strategies they want to implement to achieve their goals, they examine ther financial information and come up with a marketing budget. Marketing budgets vary by the type of market a practice is in, the age of a practice and whether the practice has marketed before. Develop an implementation schedule.  An implementation schedule is a time-line that shows which marketing actions will be done when and by whom. TARIK FOODS decides the schedule should also include the cost of each marketing action and how it fits into the budget estimates for the 24-month period. While the management of TARIK FOODS creates the schedule, they carefully consider how the activities will affect the current practice operations and whether there are sufficient resources (such as staff, time and money) to accomplish the necessary tasks.   Creating an evaluation process.  The management of TARIK FOODS belives in the the value of a marketing plan is its effectiveness, which requires deliberate and timely implementation  and  monitoring and evaluation of results. Thus they pay importance to measure their results against the standards they had set in establishing your goals.This helps them achieve the said process laid down by them. Link between strategic marketing and corporate strategy in TARIK FOODS In TARIK FOODS the Corporate structure is very well laid and thus each and every strategies are linked and are co-releated to each other . This helps them to achieve each and every goal and the laid down of various marketing and organistaional stratergies very effectively . Corporate strategy is the  overall  scope  and  direction  of a  corporation  and the way in which its various  business operations  work  together to  achieve  particular  goals. Where as Strategic marketing is promotes your business and all that your business offers to your customers, brings customers to your business. In TARIK FOODS we can see that that the management which is promoting its business with the techniques of the strategic marketing , is also simultanesouly incorporating the said similar type of guuodelines in some of its corporate environment , which is controlling the few other branches of the stores and distributon and control of its staff. So it is very obvious that the lin between the corporate and the strategic marketing is evident. TASK 2 Tools used to develop a strategic marketing strategy In TARIK FOODS the management follows the following chart which is best describing the strategic marketing that they are using in oreder to develop and promote and bring in the growth for the organization . They are at present using the 5 Step Planning Process . Below here is the chart which describes it the best. C:UsersdineshDesktopplanprocess.jpg 2.1) The Models used in strategic marketing planning in TARIK FOODS SWOT Model : The SWOT tool is one of the most important tools in strategic marketing.  Ã‚  It is also one of the most maligned and misunderstood.  Ã‚  90% of the SWOTs that we see are done badly and have little use in developing strategy. SWOT means Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.  Ã‚  Done correctly , it should provide a one-page summary of your entire market audit and point towards the key issues that need to be addressed in the marketing plan. This simple tool will help you undertake your own SWOT effectively and provide a professional situation summary in your marketing plan.   McDonald Marketing Plan :- 2.2) The Link between strategic positioning and marketing TACTICS IN TARIK FOODS Strategic positioning is Primarily, strategic positioning is a differentiation tactic by customer segment, with the goal to dominate one market niche as much as possible, thus matching production costs, locations, price and product to maximize the ROI on that combination. Where as Marketing tactics is the tactics that are used by the TARIK FOODS or say any organization for its promotion of a particular product. In TARIK FOODS the whole concepot is to focus on the dominance of the market in the area and the adjoining areas in the particular segment of food business that they do, thus they lay down their marketing tactics in sucha manner that they bring out the best outcome from the straatergies of marketing that they lay down that helps them position their own organization at a place that helps them to expand their profits and help them grow and be positioned at a dominating position in the market. 2.3) Analyse the merits of relationship Marketing in TARIK FOODS strategic marketing strategy Retaining customers for the long-term offers always benefits this is what TARIK FOODS has in mind when the stratergies are laid down by the management. The aim is for the company to obtain life time customer. Some of the merits of relationship marketing which TARIK FOODS belives is it includes :- Loyal customers will recommend your business to others, thus expanding your business for you. Loyal customers are willing to try some of your new products, because they trust you. Customers will be willing to pay more for your services/products if there are adjustments in pricing because they are loyal to you and trust your services/products. Loyal customers will tell you about problems with your products/services enabling to improve your products/services. The ultimate benefit will be an increase sales, market share and dominance. Task 3 Using of the strategic marketing techniques In TARIK FOODS the appropriate use of the strategic marketing techiniques is very essentioal for the success of the branch. As they belive in dominating the market , so they have this thing in mind that they have to use the strategic mareting techniques to the success as its implementation will only bring out a result. 3.1) Marketing techniques by TARIK FOODS There are a few small types of marketing techniques but very effectively used by the TARIK FOODS , this ascertain growth opportunities in the market for TARIK FOODS. The below mentioned techniques are used by TARIK FOODS :- Outdoor Advertising:  Hoardings and roadside boards are put up so that displays their exsistance and their current offers. This is quite effective for displaying a marketing message or introducing a new brand among public . The Management believes that the probability of message transmission is strong with outdoor advertising. Brochures and Leaflets:  Brochures and leaflets let them reach out to specific customer group through  the direct marketing, means  these can be distributed by hand to specific groups of people. This allows the management a guaranteed message delivery.May it be a particular offer that is running in the outlet or say a particular rate reduction in the offering. Internet Search Engine Marketing:  This specific type of marketing lets them reach out to targeted audiences with specific interest for their variety of eatable products and also lets the customers know about their customer service experiance. This often leads to product awareness and even sales in many cases. Search engine optimization and paid search marketing are two most effective methods utilized by TARIK FOODS for the stratergy of their marketing. 3.2) Plan how to use marketing strategy options in the market where tarik foods is operating MARKET DOMINANCE STRATEGIES Looking at the way the area has been dominated by TARIK FOODS the market dominance strategy is the one which will suit the management style of interest for them . As they have been dominating the market in the area, as well as in the surrounding also. Typically there are four types of market dominance strategies that they should consider: They are à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Market leader: It typically is the industry leader in developing innovative new business models and new products (although not always). Of the four dominance strategies, it has the most flexibility in crafting strategy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The main options available to TARIK FOODS are: Expand the total market by finding   Ã‚  New users of the product or more usage on each use occasion Protecting TARIK FOODS existing market share by: Developing new product ideas and improved customer service and improved distribution effectiveness as well as reduce costs Expand TARIK FOODS market share: By targeting one or more competitor and without being noticed by government regulators à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Market challenger:- A market challenger is a firm in a strong, but not dominant position that is following an aggressive strategy of trying to gain market share. It typically targets the industry leader (for example, Pepsi targets Coke), but it could also target smaller,more vulnerable competitors. TARIK FOODS should ssess the strength of the target competitor. Considering the amount of support that the target might muster from allies. Choose only one target at a time. Find a weakness in the target Position. Attack at this point. Consider how long it will take for the target to realign their resources so as to reinforce this weak spot. Launch the attack on as narrow a front as possible. Whereas a defender must defend all their borders,an attacker has the advantage of being able to concentrate their forces at one place. Launch the attack quickly, and then consolidate.Some of the options open to a market challenger are: price discounts or price cutting line extensions Introduce new products Reduce product quality Increase product quality Improve service Change distribution Cost reductions and Intensify promotional activity à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Market follower:- A market follower is a firm in a strong, but not dominant position that is content to stay at that position.The advantages TARIK FOODS will derive from these strategies are: No expensive RD failures   No risk of bad business model   Best practices? are already established   Able to capitalize on the promotional activities of the market leader   Minimal risk of competitive attacks Market nicher:- In this niche strategy TARIK FOODS should concentrates on a select few target markets. It is also called a focus strategy. TARIK FOODS tend to be in high value added market and are able to obtain high margins. TARIK FOODS tend to be highly focused on a specific market segment. TARIK FOODS tend to market high end products and are able to use a premium pricing strategy. TARIK FOODS tend to keep their operating expenses down by spending less on RD, advertising, and personal selling. 3.3) Create appropriate strategic marketing objectives for the market where TARIK FOODS is operating TARIK FOODS should look into the following strategic marketing objectives :- Purpose of setting OBJECTIVES is to  Convert TARIK FOODS into market performance targets  creating yardsticks to track market/sales performance. Establish performance goals requiring stretch  . Also they should push firm to be inventive, intentional, focused   products/services setting CHALLENGING but ACHIEVABLE objectives  such as SALES MARKET   SHARE DISTRIBUTION PROFIT/SALES   RATIO TWO TYPES OF OBJECTIVES NEEDED Outcomes that relate to improving firms financial performance Outcomes that will result in greater competitiveness stronger long-term market position Financial Objectives Strategic Marketing   Objectives example :- STRATEGIC   MARKETING   OBJECTIVES improve   market   share position as the number one .  Build a strong brand name   in growing   market develop new   products that women need and want.  Explore the market   to develop   international   market.  Increase   the   distribution   coverage to   maximize   sales.Increase   the   gross   profit   margin   by   Ã‚  5 %. CRAFTING A MARKETING   STRATEGY Strategy-Making concerns HOW to  develop strategy   to   achieve   Ã‚  desired the brand   acceptance   Ã‚  objectives   Position all   products to   win a competitive advantage   devise   a   channel   strategy   to   meet   outsmart   Ã‚  competition and devise   a   incentive   strategy   to   Ã‚  stimulate   the   trade/distributors also devise   a   retail   strategy   Ã‚  to   Grow the company   business Task 4 Changes in the marketing environment   Ã‚  Marketing environment comprises of the combination of two words marketing and environment. Marketing means responding to the needs and demands of the consumers to provide optimum satisfaction. Similarly environment refers to external factors influences and organizational power which is related to the aim and effective working of a firm. Thus marketing environment refers to external or macro factors and forces which not only influence a company but also the components which affect the consumers analyzing its trend and impact on the operations and performance of the company. 4.1) Impact of changes in the external environment on the marketing strategy of TARIK FOODS The impact of EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT has a very big change on the marketing stratergies in TARIK FOODS Considering the taste : Looking at the type of the people that live close by in a specific area the management in TARIK FOODS , takes utmost care while laying down the selling stratergy, so that the likes and dislikes of the people who will be eating and buying are matched appropriately. Atmospheric Change : The Cliate change forces the TARIKK FOODS to sell those food stuff which are the thing that are more preferred by the people who eat and buy the products . As this enables the management to get a high amount of sales for achieving the stratergic targets of their strategic marketing . 4.2) Conduct an internal analysis to identify current strengths and weaknesses in TARIK FOODSs marketing strategy Looking into the swot analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of TARIK FOODS , it can be observed the following. SWOT analysis of TARIK FOODS Weaknesses On performing a SWOT analysis of TARIK FOODSs the weaknesses,that can be seen are like Its very small in the amount of business it does when compared with the big wigs in the same industry Its serving a few selected categories of people , where in a larger chunk of people are left out Its looking more towards the market dominance and less towards the customer service TARIK FOODS is bound to reveal several weaknesses. One example, of many, is the amount of fossil fuel used in its transport network. With increasing oil prices,   TARIK FOODS needs to keep a close eye on transport costs. Another weakness come from TARIK FOODSs dependence on the UK grocery market. Hence, it is increasing its foreign outlets and selling other goods. SWOT analysis of TARIK FOODS Strengths TARIK FOODSs strengths in grocery retail allow it to compete easily with local businesses . This has led to its brand name and financial power becoming strengths in themselves. This has led to many more stores being built at the nearby areas as well, leading to geographical strength. The following strengths can be seen : The ability to perform with terms of revenue generation The abilty to deliver to customer at times when the other stores cant deliver The model of successful implementation of the Strategic marketing techniques. 4.3) Propose strategic marketing responses to key emerging themes TARIK FOODS marketing strategy The responses to the strategic marketing of the key themes that are emerging from TARIK FOODS , marketing strategy are very special in terms looking at their market capture in the area. They are also having a very good and healty competition in the industry , which is giving a run for the money to even the best known , international brands of food outlets and the product selling industry with in the area.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Motivational Strategy Guidelines Based On Self-Efficacy Essay -- Social

Purpose of this paper The purpose of this paper is three-fold: First, to examine briefly Social Cognitive Theory’s view on the contribution of self-efficacy to learning and motivation; Then, to offer some guidelines for motivational strategies reflecting self-efficacy concepts that have been supported by research; Finally, to provide some possible ways to implement these guidelines in a mathematics class. Introduction Within us all is a desire to achieve. The need exists to show, to ourselves and to others, that we are capable in some area; that we are able to perform difficult tasks, acquire knowledge that no one else knows, run faster, jump higher, and live up to some perceived potential unique to us as individuals. This goal to achieve is evident in young children, manifesting itself early and continuing at some level throughout the school years and on into adulthood. Of particular interest and importance to me as a teacher are contributing factors to students’ motivation to achieve, and motivational strategies that can increase the likelihood of student achievement. At this point, let me state the obvious: Studying motivation is somewhat difficult, because motivation is subjective. Motivation is not directly observable. It must be inferred from student behavior. Also, behavior patterns exhibited by students may have similar surface attributes, but could arise from entirely different motivations (Good, Brophy, 1995). Student motivation is affected by many variables including past experience, peers, home life, classroom and school expectations, and teacher behavior. This adds to the complexity of studying motivation, and adds to the difficulty teachers face when addressing issues relevant to promoting st... ...03). My Current Understanding of Understanding Mathematics, paper submitted for MAT 791. Snowman, J. & Biehler, R. (2000). Psychology Applied to Teaching. 9th Edition. Boston, MA. Houghton Mifflin Company. Urdan, T. Midgley, C., & Anderman, E. M. (1998), The role of classroom goal structure in students’ use of self-handicapping stragtegies, American Education Research Journal, 35(1), 101-122. Online sources and suggestions: www.analytictech.com/mbo21/motivation.htm. www.cartwright.k12.az.us/Math/Resources/cooperat.html (Cooperative Learning Suggestions). www.emory.edu/EDUCATION/mfp/BanEncy.html (Self-Efficacy by Albert Bandura). www.emory.edu/EDUCATION/mfp/effpage.html (An excellent resource for information and links on SCT and self-efficacy). www.fiu.edu/~cryan/selfefficacy/MotivationandOpportunity.htm. www.med.usf.edu/~kmbrown/Social_

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Panasonic and Japan’s Changing Culture

Case #2; Panasonic and Japan’s Changing Culture 1. Some of the drivers of the cultural changes in the 1990’s with Panasonic were that Japan’s generation of workers, starting with the generation born in the 1960’s, did not wholly believe in being a â€Å"salaryman† and working for a company from when they start until when they retire. After many years, in the 1990’s Japan entered an economic slump that lasted the majority of the 1990’s.Only a few companies at first started to lay off employees and go back on their promises of employment until retirement because the older their workers, although they worked hard, also were less efficient than younger workers were. As the younger generations saw this happening they concluded that loyalty to both the company and workers would not be reciprocated anymore and became less harder working than previous. This undermined the traditional culture in Japan of the central bargains of housing and reti rement packages for an employees hard work and loyalty. 2.Japan’s businesses in the future have to operate with more than one plan when they hire workers to effectively. In 1999 Panasonic gave recruits three different choices when they were signed on in employment. They could continue with being given housing, go free to company social events, and buy cheaper services from banks, while also receiving a two year salary bonus when they retired. They could choose to forgo the retirement bonus, while keeping the company housing and be given a higher salary, or they could forgo the retirement bonus and any subsidized services but would be given an even higher salary.In addition to the changes in hiring, companies needed employees to be more risk taking and needed to encourage individuality which is something that was not very prevalent in Japan. Without employees taking risks, companies would suffer and that is what happened to Panasonic as they were forced to close thirty factori es, and cut 13,000 jobs while selling â€Å"huge amounts of assets†. 3. Japanese culture in the 1950’s-1980’s benefited Panasonic greatly because of how after the World War II defeat, Japan was humiliated and it seemed fair that they would be taken care of if they worked hard for their company.For Panasonic this was a great thing because employees worked extremely hard for the greater good of Panasonic and Panasonic responded by giving the employees â€Å"blessings† of company housing, and free social events. 4. With Panasonic cutting 15,000 employees and closing another additional 27 plants, Panasonic is trying to achieve a lower overhead cost in operation and also is trying to find out who their best workers are so that they are not kept down when they should be promoted.By quickly responding to the recession, it showed a change in Panasonic’s company policies and shows that they might be moving even further away from company subsidized housing a nd to make employees become harder workers not because they know that they cannot be fired, but that they can be fired, at any time. If Panasonic implements these changes quickly, they will receive a lot of backlash from all those displaced employees and if they did it like this it would truly symbolize how Panasonic has changed into a company that is becoming westernized and is only concerned with how the company does and not their employees.If the changes take years to implement, although it would greatly affect the profitability of the company, it would give employees chances to adapt to changes of no longer being employed and give them chances to be hired in another company. By making changes slowly, Panasonic would be able to claim that it still wished to use the old way of never cutting jobs but it could not do it in this economy and had to do so to survive. 5.The Panasonic case teaches me that there is a fine line between societal culture and business success and sometimes yo u have to be able to choose between the two to realize which is more important to you. To some companies, such as Panasonic, trying hard to keep with the societal culture becomes too much of a strain for a company to bear so they are forced to adapt and realize that business success is more important that having all your workers love you. It may not be the type of business practice that gives you the best reputation but it will give you the greatest profit margins.